and waste management

At agforest, we focus on accurately analyzing air pollution and waste management. We provide our clients with valuable information for conscious and effective strategic and operational decisions.

Concentrations of polluting gases for industry

Detection and analysis of sinks and carbon footprint in cities

Detection of illegal dumping and other dumping

To great challenges…

Air pollution and inadequate waste management are crucial challenges today. High levels of toxic emissions are harming air quality and generating negative impacts on health and the economy.

In addition, the accumulation of plastic, chemical and organic waste threatens biodiversity and the ecological balance due to deficient collection and recycling systems. Addressing these challenges is essential to ensure a healthy and sustainable environment for current and future generations.

…great solutions

At agforest, each challenge requires a specific and tailored solution.

Concentrations of polluting gases for industry

Detection and analysis of sinks and carbon footprint in cities

Detection of illegal dumping and other dumping

Concentrations of polluting gases for industry

We focus our efforts on the precise monitoring and meticulous evaluation of air pollution.

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Our advanced technology allows us to effectively identify and locate toxic particles and gas emissions such as ozone, methane, formaldehyde, aerosol, carbon monoxide, NO2 and SO2 in the atmosphere, contributing to the comprehensive management of environmental challenges.

Detection and analysis of sinks and carbon footprint in cities

Our data provides a valuable perspective that allows our partners to mitigate their environmental impact, helping to understand what carbon sinks are to promote the implementation of corrective measures throughout the territory.

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The combination of remote sensing and artificial intelligence together with the exhaustive analysis of large volumes of data offers a powerful tool for the detection and analysis of carbon (CO2) sinks and footprints in the city, achieving the mapping of areas where vegetation and Ecosystems are sequestering and storing more carbon than they are releasing.

By assessing the health and growth of vegetation, we are able to more accurately estimate the amount of carbon absorbed by these ecosystems, helping to make informed decisions about their conservation and protection.

Detection of illegal dumping and other dumping

We combine remote sensing technology and artificial intelligence to detect and map areas with unauthorized dumping activities in the terrestrial and marine environment.

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Continuously monitoring their growth and size facilitates the timely identification of new landfills and the evaluation of the evolution of existing ones, allowing a quick and efficient response from the competent bodies, promoting responsible waste management and contributing to the prevention of damage. environmental.

Our commitment to the future

We provide accurate information and innovative solutions that help our clients mitigate environmental impact and move toward a cleaner future, where sustainability prevails, for future generations.

We fight against air pollution

Our geospatial data analysis technology allows us to effectively identify and locate spills and measure concentrations of certain gases in the atmosphere.

This allows us to provide a comprehensive understanding of pollutant sources and concentrations, which is essential to address and prevent critical environmental issues.

Data transformed into innovative solutions

Thanks to the ability to analyze large volumes of data, we generate valuable information on the carbon footprint and environmental impact of human and business activities.
By better understanding the impact of our actions, our clients can implement more efficient waste management strategies and reduce their negative impact on the environment.

Hacia un futuro más limpio y sostenible

In collaboration with our clients, we develop solutions that meet their needs while protecting a natural resource. Our objective is to contribute to the construction of a sustainable present, where water is used efficiently and responsibly.

United in the fight for a better world

We work closely with our clients to find customized solutions to suit their specific needs.
Our goal is to provide them with the knowledge and tools necessary to make responsible and conscious decisions that protect the environment and at the same time benefit their operations.
