Detection of
Water leaks

The key to a sustainable world

The scarcity of water resources makes efficient water management a fundamental aspect for the sustainability and well-being of our society.

At agforest, we generate solutions for the conservation and responsible use of this vital resource.

Detection of water leaks in supply networks with radar images

Fraud detection in agricultural water consumption

Fraud detection in agricultural water consumption

Efficient water management

The challenge we face.

Efficient water management is a matter of vital importance to guarantee sustainability and global well-being. The scarcity of water resources and the challenges associated with its distribution and use have a direct impact on many fundamental aspects of human life and the environment.

Solutions in water detection and optimization

At agforest, each challenge requires a specific and tailored solution.

Detection of water leaks in supply networks with radar images

Fraud detection in agricultural water consumption

Fraud detection in agricultural water consumption

Detection of water leaks in supply networks with radar images

Locates and analyzes moisture leaking from the underground pipe network and enables efficient planning of repairs. In addition, it performs the monitoring and analysis of complete drinking water and wastewater systems throughout the city.

More about leak detection

Our satellite-based and AI technology increases the efficiency of field crews by pinpointing where leaks are. Less time looking for leaks means more time to solve problems and maintain the supply network in an optimal way.

Fraud detection in agricultural water consumption

We monitor water consumption in real time and use data analysis techniques to detect patterns of fraud or anomalies in consumption, such as possible fraudulent and irregular uses in irrigation communities and agricultural cooperatives.

More about detection of agricultural water consumption

Thanks to satellite remote sensing technology and our artificial intelligence algorithm, we detect the irrigated surfaces, calculate the water needs of the irrigated area by calculating the real evapotranspiration of the crop and evaluate the volumes of water consumed in irrigation.

Optimization of irrigation with satellite images in woody crops

We use satellite remote sensing technology to detect crop areas affected by irrigation anomalies: Identification of areas prone to flooding, detection of breaks or obstructions in the irrigation system, and location of areas with high water stress.

More about irrigation optimization

We use satellite remote sensing technology to detect crop areas affected by irrigation anomalies: Identification of areas prone to flooding, detection of breaks or obstructions in the irrigation system, and location of areas with high water stress.

Our commitment to water resources

At agforest, we are committed to the conservation and responsible use of this vital resource.

Anticipating water challenges

Prevention is key in water management, and thanks to our technology, we can anticipate potential problems. Our ability to locate fraud in agricultural water consumption and identify leaks in supply networks helps prevent significant water losses and minimize environmental impact.

Transforming data into meaningful actions

In a world saturated with data, the real essence lies in transforming information into meaningful action. We process large volumes of data and extract valuable and practical information, empowering our clients to make informed and strategic decisions, improving water efficiency and reducing their environmental impact.

Committed to water sustainability

In collaboration with our clients, we develop solutions that meet their needs while protecting a natural resource. Our objective is to contribute to the construction of a sustainable present, where water is used efficiently and responsibly.

Identifying areas of water scarcity

Our key focus: identify and map areas of water scarcity to enable our clients to make informed and strategic decisions. Using geospatial datascience techniques, we analyze relevant data, such as rainfall, water levels in rivers and reservoirs, and consumption patterns.

Developing personalized conservation strategies

We design custom retention strategies based on customer-specific data analysis. By taking into account variables such as industry, geographic location, and population size, we can offer tailored solutions that help optimize water use and reduce waste.
