Asbestos Census
for local councils


Agforest, leaders in asbestos remote sensing in Spain

Why is the asbestos census mandatory?

The municipalities are obliged to carry out a census of facilities and sites with asbestos, including a calendar that plans its removal, before the end of April 2023, according to Law 7/2022, of April 8, on waste and contaminated soils for a circulation economy.

What is an asbestos census and removal schedule?

An asbestos census is an inventory of facilities and sites that contain asbestos-containing materials in a given area.

This census must be public and must be sent to the competent health, environmental and labor authorities of the autonomous communities. In addition, it is necessary to establish a calendar that plans its withdrawal for its subsequent sending to an authorized manager.

What should town halls do then to comply with Law 7/2022, of April 8 in relation to asbestos?


Census of facilities

and sites with asbestos, both public and private.


Removal calendar:

analysis and planning for the removal of asbestos from buildings based on hazard criteria.


Information of a public nature

and forwarded to other administrations.


Removal of

from public facilities or locations with the highest risk before 2028.

Our Solution
for asbestos census


We offer a comprehensive service together

with our amiantic tool


Phase I






Phase II

Phase I Census

We carry out a basic census using remote sensing and Artificial Intelligence to detect asbestos-cement roofing


acquire image

January 01, 2021
12 AM

AI algorithm

January 01, 2021
12 AM


with cadastral data
January 01, 2021
12 AM

Generation of complementary

information and associated geostatistics
January 01, 2021
12 AM

Generation of the

removal calendar for each location detected
January 01, 2021
12 AM

Maps and results reports

January 01, 2021
12 AM

Notification mailbox

We provide the notification mailbox, where you can alert about the existence of asbestos in those places that, either previous asbestos censuses, or our algorithm, have not been able to detect, such as the detection and warning of asbestos in downspouts, pipes, or different elements of a home.

Removal calendar:

Based on the asbestos census inventory and the UNE 171370-2 standard, a calendar is made that plans the removal of asbestos from MCAs.

Phase II Census

We carry out a detailed inventory and identify them on a map, in which the MCA (Materials with Asbestos) will be identified in each of the buildings defined by the Phase I census, by those that citizens notify or are detected with field work complying with the UNE 171370-2 standard for location and diagnosis of asbestos.

Asbestos FAQ

What is asbestos and why is it dangerous?

Asbestos is a fibrous material that has been used in construction and various industrial products due to its insulating and fire-resistant properties. However, its use has been banned in many countries due to the serious health risks it presents as it is a carcinogenic material.

What are the risks associated with exposure to asbestos?

  • It is a carcinogenic agent that can cause severe respiratory diseases, gastrointestinal and heart problems.
  • The incorrect handling and disposal of asbestos can cause serious environmental contamination.
  • Treatment of these diseases can be lengthy and expensive, and can have a significant impact on the quality of life of patients and their families.

Asbestos is a dangerous material that can have serious consequences for health and the environment. It is important that businesses and individuals take steps to prevent exposure to asbestos and ensure its safe removal to protect public health.

What measures will be taken to reduce or eliminate exposure to asbestos?

The use of asbestos has been banned in many countries. This prohibition in the case of Spain came with the legislation of the ministerial order of 12/7/2001 which prohibited its production and commercialization as of 12/15/2002. This means that any construction element prior to that date is likely to contain asbestos until the end of its useful life.

According to estimates from a European study published in 2022 under the name “Towards energy efficient and asbestos free dwellings through deep energy renovation” it is estimated that there are approx. 2 million tons of asbestos in the Spanish geography. At the European level, we would be talking about a much higher amount, which is why Europe is already adopting a strategy aimed at removing all asbestos in Europe by 2032.

Specifically in the Spanish case, with Law 7/2022, it establishes a start of inventorying and scheduling of the withdrawal by municipalities. Where public buildings must have removed all asbestos in 2028 and private ones are expected by the European deadline, 2032.

How long will the asbestos detection and abatement process take?

According to Law 7/2022, it establishes a beginning of the inventory and scheduling of the withdrawal by municipalities, which should be completed in the month of May 2023. It is from there that, depending on the withdrawal schedule, a phase II must begin to carry out inspections by certified technicians after removing the hazardous waste and depositing it in accredited landfills prepared to treat the material.

Always remembering that public buildings must have removed all asbestos in 2028 and private ones are expected by the European deadline, 2032.

From the point of view of Agforest’s AMIATIC software we are able to generate an inventory and removal schedule (known as Phase I for asbestos management) the process takes less than 1 month.

How accurate is the asbestos detection method using satellite technology?

In the case of Agforest’s AI algorithms, we are talking about an accuracy greater than 90%. Subsequently, we question our own results, using a team of technical asbestos inspectors under the UNE 1713470-2 standard in an analysis using photointerpretation. In other words, not only do we have a very high level in terms of precision, but we corroborate results with certified experts and improve the level to figures above 95% verified in more than a dozen large municipalities.

How can I make sure that my building or structure is free of asbestos after the removal process?

If you have contracted with a certified asbestos removal company, this is a good start to ensure that the removal has been carried out properly and safely. However, even with a certified company, it is important to take a few additional steps to ensure that the building is completely free of asbestos after the removal process.

Here are some steps you can take to ensure your building is free of asbestos after hiring a certified removal company:

  • Be sure to obtain a copy of all disposal documents and company certifications. These documents should include details of the scope of removal, the equipment used, and subsequent cleanup procedures.
  • Ask for an independent indoor air quality assessment to check for asbestos fibers. It is important that this analysis is carried out by an independent and accredited laboratory, and that applicable procedures and regulations are followed.
  • If the assessment indicates that asbestos fibers are present, be sure to work with the certified company and any other contracted companies to do additional cleaning to ensure the building is completely free of asbestos.
  • Once the building has been verified to be free of asbestos, consider conducting an annual indoor air quality inspection to detect any potential future problems.

In summary, although hiring a certified company is an important step to ensure safe asbestos removal, it is still important to take additional steps to verify that the building is completely free of asbestos and ensure long-term safety.
