Asbestos calendar

Oct 2, 2023 | What is asbestos | 0 comments

Did you know that asbestos, also known as asbestos, is a dangerous material that can have serious consequences for human health and the environment? At agforest, we are committed to the conservation and responsible use of natural resources, and that includes the proper management of asbestos.

The asbestos census and the asbestos calendar are actions related to the identification and management of asbestos in buildings and structures. Today, we will talk to you about the importance of both tools and what each of them is for:

asbestos census

The asbestos census is a detailed inventory of the presence of asbestos-containing materials in a building or facility. Asbestos is a fibrous mineral that was used in construction due to its heat and fire resistant properties. However, it has been found that exposure to asbestos can be harmful to health.

This tool allows you to identify and record the location, type and condition of asbestos-containing materials in a building, which helps to properly manage these materials and minimize the risk to the health of people occupying the space.

What is the asbestos calendar

This is a structured action plan to safely manage and remove asbestos-containing materials from a building or facility. Since the presence of asbestos can be dangerous, it is essential to take appropriate measures to minimize the risk of exposure.

The asbestos schedule establishes a set of steps and deadlines for the identification, evaluation, monitoring, removal or encapsulation of asbestos-containing materials in a building. This helps to ensure that appropriate measures are taken and compliance with regulations and standards relating to asbestos management.

In Spain, law 7/2022, of April 8, on waste and contaminated soils for a circular economy, requires that, within one year of its entry into force, city councils must prepare a census of facilities and locations with asbestos including a schedule that plans its removal.

What are the advantages of having an Asbestos Census and Calendar?

  • Accurate Identification: Identification of areas where asbestos is located on your property, allowing you to make informed decisions.
  • Strategic Planning: A calendar helps you schedule and carry out safe asbestos removal, minimizing interruptions and risks.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Complying with regulations and legal requirements is essential to avoid fines and legal problems.
  • Health Protection: Proper removal of asbestos protects the health of people and the environment in general.

Count on agforest for these essential services!

At Agforest, we offer you solutions for the asbestos census and calendar. Our focus on cutting-edge technology and environmental management expertise allows us to provide you with quality services. We work with you to guarantee the safety and sustainability of the environment.

Contact us today and protect your environment with Agforest!

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